01/17/2024 BullPhish ID release notes v2.92


Starting Date & Time field updated for recreated campaigns

Enhancements have been made to the Campaign Starting Date & Time field when recreating campaigns. The enhancements apply when using the Recreate button on the phishing View All Campaigns page or the training View All Training Campaigns page.

Clicking the Recreate button displays the Re-create Campaigns modal.

The behavior of the modal’s Campaign Starting Date & Time field is described in the scenarios below.


Original Campaign Starting Date & Time (examples)

Recreated Campaign Starting Date & Time field

1 or more campaigns selected whose Start Date is in the past

October 16th, 2023 at 1:10


1 campaign selected whose Start Date is in the future


January 30th, 2024 at 2:23

Date & time retained from original campaign.


2 or more campaigns selected whose Start Date is in the future


  • January 30th, 2024 at 2:23

  • February 5th, 2024 at 8:00




1 or more campaigns selected whose Start Date is in the past AND 1 or more campaigns selected whose Start Date is in the future.

  • November 8th, 2023 at 7:30

  • February 14th, 2024 at 8:00



NOTE  The recreated campaign’s time zone is now retained from the original campaign. For more information about recreating a phishing campaign, refer to the article Chapter 5.1: View All Campaigns. For more information about recreating a training campaign, refer to the article Chapter 6: Training & Awareness.

Speed at which Dashboard data loads is now faster

Dashboard data was loading slowly for partners and MMEs with many SMBs. This also occurred for portfolios with many partners/MMEs.

To improve the speed at which Dashboard data is loaded, the code to calculate the data has been updated. Also, the MSP page statistics are now based only on the MSP’s direct SMBs. Before this fix, the MSP Dashboard statistics included the partner’s direct SMBs and the SMBs associated with the partner’s MMEs.

When navigating to the portfolio Dashboard, it now displays without any data. When an organization is selected in the drop-down list, dashboard data is displayed for the selected organization.

Business reports based on larger number of targets

The number of targets for which business report data can be generated has been increased to more than 10 thousand targets. Previously, reports could be generated based on a maximum of approximately 5 thousand targets.

Content updates

New phishing kits

New phishing kits are now available. Each is listed below (links to new kit) along with an image of its email template and landing page.