04/08/2024 BullPhish ID release notes v2.97

New Features

Global Timezone

A new Global Timezone feature has been added to the My Settings > Personal Settings tab. The feature is available to Partner Administrators only.

NOTE  The Global Timezone feature is not available to Partner Agents and SMB users. The EDT timezone will continue to be reflected for these users.

The Global Timezone you select will be reflected on the following pages:

  • Phishing and Training Dashboards: On the Dashboard pages (Training & Awareness in this example), all date fields in the table are displayed with the Global Timezone. This applies to recreated campaigns as well.

    Note: The time zone selected when creating a campaign is still indicated in the date fields on the campaign’s Details page.
  • Groups: On the Groups page, the Global Timezone is displayed in the Last Sync and Last Modified fields.
  • Directories: On the Edit Directory page, the Last Sync field displays the Global Timezone.

  • Automate Report: The Global Timezone is displayed in the Time Zone field on the Automate Report page.

  • Integrations: On the Integrations > IT Glue page, the Last Sync field on the Contact Sync tab indicates the Global Timezone.

Training Portal Background section added to the Training Portal tab

The Training Portal Background section has been added to the Training Portal tab (Training & Awareness > Training Portal). When customizing your organization's training portal, you now have the option of selecting a White Background instead of using the Default background.

Default background

White background


When editing or recreating a phishing campaign, selecting a language in the language filter in the My Kits section was not listing the kits available for the language selected. The issue has been resolved. Now when using the language filter, the kits available for the language selected are listed in the Available section.

Content updates

New phishing kits

New phishing kits in German are now available. Each is listed below (links to new kit) along with an image of its email template and landing page.