07/11/2024 BullPhish ID release notes v2.104


Sending profiles automatically populated in training campaigns

When creating or recreating a training campaign, the Sending Profile field is now automatically populated after selecting an organization from the Associated Organization drop-down list. The populated value will be the sending profile used in the last-created campaign for the selected organization.

The Sending Profile field will display Loading... until the value is automatically populated. If no previous campaigns exist, the field will remain empty and require manual selection.

NOTE  The populated sending profile will not be based on a campaign that has been deleted.

NOTE  If a sending profile was deleted, its assigned replacement will be populated.



When the Directories page contained more than 20 directories, not all organization names were displayed.

This issue has been fixed so that all organization names for all directories are displayed.

Content updates

New phishing kits are now available. Each is listed below (links to new kit) along with an image of its email template and landing page.