07/29/2024 BullPhish ID release notes v2.105


New columns added to user reports

The Position column has been added to exported and automated phishing user reports and training user reports. The column displays each user’s assigned role in the organization.

The Completion Rate column has been added to training user reports. This column displays the percentage of training courses a user has completed out of the total number of courses for which the user has participated.

For more information about these new columns, see the article Business reports and user reports.

Security updates

Various updates to prevent security vulnerabilities were made to the application.



The Custom Sending Domains table on the Sending Domains page listed a maximum of 20 custom sending domains only. Therefore, partners with more than 20 custom sending domains could only access the first 20 domains listed in the table.

This issue has been fixed and now all of a partner’s custom sending domains are listed.

Content updates

New phishing kits

New phishing kits are now available. Each is listed below (links to new kit) along with an image of its email template and landing page.

New training courses

The following translated training courses are now available in the Training portal:

Common Attack Methods: Learn about common phishing attack methods: pretexting, malicious links, and malicious attachments.

  • Métodos De Ataque Comunes (Spanish)
  • Méthodes D’attaque Courantes (French)
  • Métodos De Ataque Comuns (Portuguese)

Spotting and Reporting Phishing: Learn how to spot phishing emails and examine why it is essential to report them.

  • Cómo Detectar Y Denunciar El Phishing (Spanish)
  • Repérage Et Signalement D’hameçonnage (French)
  • Identificar E Denunciar Phishing (Portuguese)