08/08/2024 BullPhish ID release notes v2.106


Time zones now match on campaign Details page

On the Details page for phishing campaigns and training campaigns, the time zones in the Email Log and User Training Log, respectively now match the time zone displayed in the campaign summary table. This indicates the time zone for which the campaign was created.



Some customers experienced an issue where duplicate target records were created in the campaign's User Training Log. This issue has been resolved and the duplicate records have been deleted for the affected campaigns.

Content updates

New phishing kits

New phishing kits are now available. Each is listed below (links to new kit) along with an image of its email template and landing page.

New training courses

The following translated training courses are now available in the Training portal:

What is an Insider Threat:

  • Qué Es Una Amenaza Interna? VO (Spanish)
  • Que É Uma Ameaça Interna? VO (Portuguese)
  • Qu’est-ce Qu’une Menace Interne? VO (French)

Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication:

  • Avantages De L’authentification Multifacteurs VO (French)
  • Benefícios Da Autenticação Multifator VO (Portuguese)
  • Beneficios De La Autenticación Multifactor VO (Spanish)

Creating Strong Passwords:

  • Creación De Contraseñas Seguras VO (Spanish)
  • Création De Mots De Passe Forts VO (French)
  • Crie Senhas Fortes VO (Portuguese)

Business Email Compromise:

  • Vulneración De Correos Electrónicos Comerciales VO (Spanish)
  • Compromis De Messagerie Professionnelle VO (French)
  • Violação De E-mail Corporativo (Portuguese)

Account Takeover:

  • Suplantación De Cuenta VO (Spanish)
  • Contrôle VO (French)
  • Invasão De Contas VO (Portuguese)

Dangers of Password Reuse:

  • Peligros De Usar Una Misma Contraseña VO (Spanish)
  • Dangers De La Réutilisation Des Mots De Passe VO (French)
  • Perigos De Reutilização De Senhas VO (Portuguese)