11/04/2024 BullPhish ID release notes v2.111
When a new phishing kit was created for an SMB that was recently added to BullPhish ID, the new phishing kit was not found on the Phishing Kits page. This issue occurred for partners with more than 20 SMBs. The issue has been resolved.
On the Automate Report page, after selecting an SMB Organization and time zone, selecting a different organization would reset the Time Zone field to the default value.
This issue has been fixed. Now when selecting a different SMB Organization, the selected Time Zone value remains the same.
Some email click events for phishing and training campaigns were saved with internal AWS cloud IP addresses instead of the user's IP address. This issue has been resolved and now all campaign email click events are saved with the user's IP address.
Content updates
Updated training courses
The following updated training courses are now available in the Training portal: