Adding new targets to on-going training campaigns

Continuous Target Sync

The Continuous Target Sync feature makes it much easier to add new targets to ongoing training campaigns. When Continuous Target Sync is enabled, after a target is added to a group that is part of an ongoing training campaign, the target is automatically added to the campaign.

Important points

  • When Continuous Target Sync is enabled on the View All Training Campaigns page, a one-time sync is initiated for all ongoing training campaigns associated with your SMB organizations. It may take several hours for the campaigns to be updated with the latest target list.
  • Only Partner Administrators can enable the toggle for Continuous Target Sync.
  • The toggle is displayed in a greyed-out state for Partner Agents, SMB Privileged users, and SMB Standard users (see the Non-Partner Administrator roles section below).
  • When this functionality is enabled, targets would automatically sync to ongoing training campaigns with the Status: Scheduled, Processing, Sending Emails, Running.
    New targets cannot be added to a course in a campaign with status: Completed or Cancelled.
  • Continuous Target Sync is available only for training campaigns.
  • This functionality is automatically enabled for new BullPhish ID accounts created after July 4th, 2023 and cannot be disabled. Therefore, the Continuous Target Sync toggle is hidden for those accounts.
  • New targets added to a group will sync to the campaigns with a 15 minutes delay. The delay is intended to give you the opportunity to roll-back the changes, if necessary. 

The Continuous Target Sync toggle is available on the Training & Awareness Dashboard. Select Training & Awareness from the left navigation menu of your dashboard and click View All Training Campaigns to access this functionality.

The following table describes training campaign scenarios that apply when Continuous Target Sync is enabled.

Scenario Action  Result
Newly created campaign for a group. New targets added to the group manually or via an active directory/IT Glue/ Passly sync after the campaign is created. Newly added targets receive campaign emails.
On-going campaign for a group running for several weeks, months, or quarters at any frequency and is not expired. New targets added to the group associated with running campaigns. Newly added targets:
  • will receive campaign emails for the campaigns in progress.
  • will receive campaign emails for the scheduled campaigns when they are processed. Scheduled campaigns sync the latest group from AD/ BullPhish ID before the campaign is processed.

Multiple campaigns created for a group.

New targets added to the group manually or via an active directory/IT Glue sync after campaigns are created. Newly added targets receive the same number of emails  that the initial targets of the campaign received. For example, if the initial targets received one email for one training and another email that included three trainings, new targets would receive the same.
Campaign scheduled but email has not been sent yet. Target removed from the group or target was deactivated. Removed or deactivated targets in the group would not receive the campaign email.
Campaign Status equals Processing, Sending Emails, or Running. Target removed from the group. Removed target:
  • received the campaign email.
  • will still be able to access the training portal and participate in the campaign.
Campaign scheduled but email has not been sent yet. Target deactivated before receiving the campaign email. Deactivated target:
  • does not receive the campaign email.
  • is not able to participate in the campaign.
  • loses access to the training portal.
Campaign Status equals Processing, Sending Emails, or Running. Target deactivated after receiving the campaign email. Deactivated target:
  • received the campaign email.
  • is not able to participate in the campaign.
  • loses access to the training portal.

How to...

Other methods for adding targets to a group

Non-Partner Administrator roles

The toggle is displayed in a greyed-out state for Partner Agents, SMB Privileged users, and SMB Standard users.

When the toggle has been enabled by a Partner Administrator, the text under the Training & Awareness Dashboard heading indicates that Targets are continuously getting synced to running campaigns.

When the toggle is disabled, the text under the Training & Awareness Dashboard heading indicates that Targets will be synced for scheduled campaigns. Reach out to your administrator to enable target sync for running campaigns.

Effect on Graphus integration

When Graphus integration is enabled for an SMB organization, campaign emails are sent via Graphus service. However, when a newly added target in the campaign does not have a Graphus license, campaign service will switch from Graphus to SMTP service and all pending campaign emails will be sent via SMTP service. And Graphus integration will be disabled.

The Training & Awareness Dashboard will show the Graphus and SMTP icons in the Service column for the affected campaigns.


Revision Date
In scenario table: Campaign in progress: Target removed from group - changed to target will still be able to access the training portal and participate in the campaign. 2/22/24