Creating a custom email template

In BullPhish ID, you can create custom phishing and training email templates on the New Template page. The page is accessed by selecting Settings > Email Templates > New Template.
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Here, you can edit pre-existing global templates provided by BullPhish ID or edit a template previously created by your organization. In addition, you can create new phishing and training email templates.


Whether creating an email template from the very beginning or using a pre-existing template, BullPhish ID provides a set of pre-defined variables you can use to personalize your template.

The variables are described in the following table:

Variable Description
[name] Inserts email recipient's first and last name. 
[first_name] Inserts email recipient's first name. 
[last_name] Inserts email recipient's last name. 
[username] Inserts email recipient's username (e.g., john.doe). 
[email] Inserts recipient's email address (e.g., 
[uid] Inserts email recipient's unique identifier. This is useful in links to identify who clicked a specific link. 
[from_name] Inserts email sender's name.
[from_email] Inserts sender's email address.
[now] Inserts date and time the email is sent. 
[courses] - Training template only Inserts the list of courses attached to the campaign.


For a training campaign, inserts the URL to the training portal. For a phishing campaign, inserts the URL to the phishing landing page.  

To use a variable, you simply click the copy icon for the desired variable and paste it into the template. BullPhish ID replaces the variable with the correct data that applies to each email that is sent.


In this example, the [name] variable is copied.

Then, the variable is pasted into the desired location in the template.

In the email received by the recipient, [name] will be replaced with the recipient's name (e.g., "Welcome Tom Smith") 

Creating a custom email template from a pre-existing template

Using a pre-existing template provides a starting point for creating a custom template.

In the Select Existing Template table, all global templates and your organization's own templates are listed by default. However, you can apply a filter to list only the pre-existing templates that best suit your needs. The following filters are available:

  • Template Name: Search for a specific template by name.
  • Associated Organization:  Select the Global Template toggle to display only global templates. Select an Associated Organization to display only the templates belonging to that organization.

NOTE  If you activate the Global Template option, the ability to select an Associated Organization is disabled.

  • Type: Select Phishing or Training.
  • Language: Select a specific language to list only the templates available in that language.
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Template preview 

The preview icon in the last column of the Select Existing Template table allows you to see what a pre-existing template looks like before you select it. The template opens in a new browser tab. 

Save & Set feature

The Save & Set feature is available when creating training templates only. After completing your training template, clicking the Save & Set button saves the template and redirects you to the Email Templates tab on the Training Portal page. Here, you assign your newly created template so it is used for all training emails.


The Save & Set button is enabled only when the Template Type = Training and the Active Template toggle is enabled.


When activating and completing the Send Test Email fields, the Save, Send & Set button is enabled. Clicking the Save, Send & Set button saves the template, sends the test email, and automatically navigates to the Email Templates tab on the Training Portal page.

Deleting a template

When deleting an email template, the Delete Email Template modal is displayed to confirm that you want to delete the template. The following table describes the modal content displayed for the various scenarios when deleting a phishing or training template.

Template type Scenario  Modal content
Phishing Kits are associated with the template.

"Continuing with this action will delete any phishing kit(s) associated with the template.
All on-going/ scheduled campaign will remain unaffected. These kits will be deleted from the backend when the associated campaigns end."

"Deletion of this template will affect the following kits:"

  • Kit name
  • Kit name
  • Kit name
Phishing No kits are associated with the template.

"Are you sure you want to delete this template? No kits are associated with this template."

Training  Organizations are currently using the template.

"Are you sure you want to delete this template? This template is currently in-use for the organizations below. Deleting this template will reset the training course invitation to the default template."

  • Organization name
  • Organization name
  • Organization name
Training  No organizations are currently using the template. "Are you sure you want to delete this template? No organizations are associated with this template.”

How to...


Revision Date posted
In procedure Creating a new email template, revised step 6, added step 7: Adding a button link. 10/19/23
In procedure Creating a new email template, added new step 6: Adding logo/image. 2/10/25