Microsoft Office 365 safelisting guide

Microsoft 365 Defender Third Party Phishing Simulation Configuration


  • You must be a member of the Security Administrator role group in the Microsoft Security & Compliance Center.
  • You must be a member of the Organization Management role group in Microsoft Exchange Online.
  • For more information about Microsoft permissions, see the Microsoft articles Microsoft Defender for Office 365 permissions in the Microsoft Defender portal and Permissions in Exchange Online.
  • Download the list of sending domains. To do so, in BullPhish ID, select Settings > Sending Domains. Then click Export Sending Domains.


BullPhish ID uses specific domains and IP addresses to send phishing and training campaign emails to your end users. In addition, phishing emails include simulation URLs.

For campaign emails to be successfully delivered to your end users, you are required to configure various Microsoft 365 components to prevent campaign emails from being blocked.

Complete all sections in the following order:

  • Configure Microsoft 365 Defender.
  • Manually add safe sender domains to Microsoft Outlook. To prevent email content from being blocked, you need to add the BullPhish ID sending domains to the Safe Sender list in Outlook for each of your end users.

NOTE  If you want the BullPhish ID sending domains to be added to each user's Safe Senders list in Outlook automatically, refer to article Microsoft Office 365: Automatically adding safe senders to Microsoft Outlook.

  • Prevent Microsoft Defender from rewriting BullPhish ID campaign links.
  • Prevent an email non-delivery error.

NOTE  If you are using third-party services to filter incoming emails before they are delivered to Microsoft Office, see the following guides to properly configure connections between Microsoft and the third-party service:
- If you want to use enhanced filtering for connectors:
Manage mail flow using a third-party cloud service with Exchange Online.
- If you don't want enhanced filtering for connectors:
Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages in Exchange Online.

How to...





Date of Change

Section B Step 11-14 Point 2:

Steps added for the routing setup

November 16th, 2021

Sending Domains

Added a new SMTP server "" to improve email deliverability

November 29th, 2021

Section 3

Added a new SMTP server to fix email delivery issues for error code "451 4.7.50" Server is busy in Exchange Online.

January 27th, 2022

Section 2, Step 5

Exporting Sending Domains links updated

January 28th, 2022

Section 2, Simulation URLs to allow

Old URL "* /*" replaced with "* /*"

February 10th, 2022

Updated Section 2, Step 5

Prevent Outlook from blocking content in your emails and displaying a Safe Senders Warning

April 10th, 2022

Preventing Microsoft Defender from rewriting BullPhish ID campaign links

New procedure.

July 10, 2023

Fix email delivery issues procedure

Step 6: Added BullPhish ID IP addresses

July 19, 2023

First section and Fix email delivery issues for error code "451 4.7.50 Server is Busy" section.

Updated BPID IP address list.

October 19, 2023


More definitive sections created and details added for clarity.

November 30, 2023