SpamAssassin safelisting guide

If you’re using SpamAssassin within your organization, it is recommended that you safelist BullPhish ID within the system to make sure that the filter does not interpret the phishing simulation messages as spam.

The instructions below are for third-party software. If you run into issues safelisting BullPhish ID in SpamAssassin, we recommend reaching out to SpamAssassin for specific instructions. Feel free to contact our support team whenever you need assistance.

Safelisting BullPhish ID within SpamAssassin

header __BPID_HEADER X-Mailer =~ /\bBullPhish\b/i

header __BPID_IP_001 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_002 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_003 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_004 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_005 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_006 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_007 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/
header __BPID_IP_008 Received =~ /\[xx\.xx\.xxx\.xxx\]/

meta BPID (__BPID_HEADER && (__BPID_IP_001 || __BPID_IP_002 || __BPID_IP_003 || __BPID_IP_004 || __BPID_IP_005 || __BPID_IP_006 || __BPID_IP_007 || __BPID_IP_008))
describe BPID The message has been sent by BullPhish ID
score BPID -20.0

After following this article, we recommend setting up a test phishing campaign for 1-2 users to ensure your safelisting was successful. As a last resource, we suggest you contact your service provider for help.