How do I ensure an SMB organization is associated with a unique domain?

You can ensure an SMB organization is associated with a unique domain with the following steps. 

  1. Log in to BullPhish ID
  2. Go to Targets under Targets & Groups.
  3. Select the Associated Organization filter.

    You can view listed domains that belong to the associated organization under the domain filter.
  4. To identify the domains that do not belong to the specific SMB organization, apply the Domain name filter. You can view the list of domains associated with the particular SMB from the dropdown. 

    Identify the unique domain that belongs to your organization from the list and select the domains that are not belong to the organization.
  5. The filtered targets are now listed in the table view. If you find one SMB organization is connected with more than one domain you may select and delete these targets. However, we recommend you export your targets before deleting them. Refer to the following knowledge base article How do I use the Export CSV button?