Configuring a custom domain

NOTE  A video tutorial is available at the end of this article.  


Ensure that all the following requirements are met:

  1. You should be any one of the following user(s) - Partner Admin/Partner Agent/ SMB Privileged User(s)/Internal User(s). 
  2. You own or control the domain.
  3. You cannot create the same domain if the domain name already exists in the system.

Sending domains

Sending Domains is a very flexible feature that allows you to add custom domains. You can now use your domain to send Phishing and Training campaigns. From the Sending Domains page, you can create custom sending domains.

NOTE  Global sending domains are domains provided by BullPhish ID and are available for use by all MSPs and SMBs. They are listed in the Global Sending Domains table on the Sending Domains page.

Add a custom domain

  1. Log into the BullPhish ID portal.
  2. Click Sending Domains under the Settings tab.
  3. On the Sending Domains page, click + Add Sending Domain.
  4. Enter your domain name in Sending Domain field. For example,


  • If the user enters an invalid domain, an error message is displayed.
  • You can create a sending domain for any parent organization, and those domains can be used for any child organization and create sending profile.
  • You cannot re-enter sending domain or change the associated organization. 
  • You cannot use the same name that has already been taken.

  1. Choose an Associated Organization for a specific domain from the drop-down.
  2. Click Next.
    Once the domain is created, the page will take you to the Custom Sending Domain page.
  1. Before you verify the domain, please add the Domain & Value to your DNS records with CNAME Type.
    1. Click the Copy icon under the Actions column to copy the DNS values. When you do so, the value will be copied to the clipboard, and you should add the record to the DNS service provider.
    2. Go to your specific DNS service provider and add copied values to the records.

NOTE  Go to the Custom Domain Authentication section to learn how to add specific DNS records on your DNS server to allow our SMTP server to send emails using custom domains.

  1. Once you add DNS values to the DNS server, select the Yes, I've added these records check box.
  2. Click Verify.

NOTE  The application gives a warning message when you miss copying one or more records.

Export Sending Domains

You can Export Sending Domains from the Sending Domains page. See the article, How to export a list of your sending domains

Custom domain authentication

Domain authentication, formerly known as domain Whitelabel, shows email providers that BullPhish ID has your permission to send emails on your behalf. To provide BullPhish ID permission, you must point DNS entries from your DNS provider (like GoDaddy, Rackspace, or Cloudflare) to BullPhish ID.

Even though this is a slight change from your recipient's perspective, this change has a substantial positive impact on your reputation as a sender and your email deliverability. It is essential because email service providers distrust messages that don't have domain authentication set up as they cannot be so sure that the message comes from you. Explicitly stating that it comes from you increases your reputation with email service providers. Making it much less likely that they will filter your mail and not allow it to get to your recipient's inbox, increasing your deliverability. You also explicitly show your recipients that this email comes from you, making them less likely to mark your mail as spam.

Setting up domain authentication

To set up domain authentication, you must submit the DNS records provided by BullPhish ID to your DNS or hosting provider (for example, GoDaddy, Hover, CloudFlare, etc.). Firstly, determine who your hosting provider is and if you have access. If you don't have access to your DNS or hosting provider, you should get the information on who in your company has this access before setting up domain authentication.

Next, you must add all the CNAME records from the 'Verified Sending Domain' screen to your DNS host. This process varies depending on your DNS host. The following table instructs you on how to add CNAME records for various DNS providers.

DNS provider Link to the documentation

Amazon Route 53



DSN Made Easy


Alibaba Cloud

Google Cloud



NS 1




If you couldn't find your DNS provider in the list, you can contact support or create a feature request so that we supplement this list and help you find documentation.

Verifying your DNS

Once you add the CNAME records to your DNS host, return to the Verified Sending Domain page and click the Verify button.

Two cases get placed when you do so: either half of your CNAME records get verified - this usually means you need to wait a bit longer, or it is also possible that you incorrectly entered one of your records. For other troubleshooting information, see the section Sender authentication troubleshooting.

Sender authentication troubleshooting

Where is my domain hosted?

If you aren't sure what DNS provider hosts your domain, use this command to find out:

dig <<>> ns

My DNS records aren't validating

After you add your CNAME records to your DNS host, you need to validate them in the BullPhish ID UI. If your DNS records aren't validating, try the following steps.

  • Allow your DNS records to propagate: Some DNS providers take longer than others to update your DNS records with the CNAME files we ask you to add. Please give it up to 48 hours to validate.
    When the user does not add some records to the domain, the application displays a warning message: 'One or more values were not added. Please copy all values to your records.' Though records were added correctly, DNS takes some time to update them.
  • Auto appending: Some DNS hosts will automatically add your top-level domain to the end of DNS records you create, which can turn a CNAME for "" into ""
    Be sure to follow the convention on existing records in your DNS panel when adding new ones, as sometimes you will only need to add what is to the left of the top-level domain.
    For example, a CNAME for "email." becomes ""

My DNS doesn't accept underscores

BullPhish ID requires underscores for sender authentication, but some DNS providers do not support underscores in zone file entries.

If your provider does not allow you to use underscores in zone files, consider changing your DNS hosting provider.

Manually validating records

Sometimes there is no other option but to validate your DNS records manually. It can be caused by certain DNS providers or by customizations you add to your records.

To validate a DNS record manually, use the Unix command DIG. The following examples use the Terminal on a Mac platform. The tables show specific validations. If the ANSWER section of the dig return is empty, this usually means that either the record does not exist or has yet to propagate.

Command Type Answer
dig cname bpid.<> CNAME
dig cname bpid._domainkey.<> CNAME

If you can successfully verify your DNS changes manually, but it won't validate in the tool, contact  support, and we can help you investigate. You can also use the DNS lookup tool provided by MxToolbox.


Version # Implemented By Revision Date Approved By Approved Date Notes

Sahitya Kalva



Latika Verma 

Product Owner


Sahitya Kalva



Latika Verma 

Product Owner

12-04-2022 Sending Profiles section is added.

Terms and Abbreviations

Term Abbreviation Descriptive
BPID BullPhish ID BullPhish ID is a fully-featured cybersecurity training & awareness software platform. It is designed to serve Enterprises, SMEs, and Startups. By using our Training & Awareness courses and Phishing Simulation Campaigns, you have the power to save money and time in preventing cybersecurity attacks on your organization. 
SMB Small & Medium-Sized Business  Small and medium enterprises are privately owned businesses. A business with 100 or fewer employees is generally considered small, while one with 100-999 employees is medium-sized.
DNS Domain Name System It is a naming system for domains on the internet. When BullPhish ID refers to your DNS, we discuss the domain name you wish to send emails to targets. When we talk about your DNS provider, we talk about the service that hosts your domain name. For example, GoDaddy, Rackspace, or Cloudflare.
DKIM DomainKeys Identified Mail

It is designed to help email providers prevent malicious email senders by validating emails from specific domains. DKIM is one of the most popular email authentication methodologies that works by using cryptographic technology that adds a digital signature to your message header. This DKIM signature validates and authorizes your domain name in the eyes of the receiver. The DKIM signature is created using a unique string of characters stored as a public key.

When your email is received, the public key is retrieved through the DNS and decrypted by the receiver to verify your domain's identity confidently. 

SPF  Sender Policy Framework It is an email authentication standard developed by AOL that compares the email sender's actual IP address to a list of IP addresses authorized to send mail from that domain. The IP list is published in the domain's DNS record to provide more information about SPF.
CNAME Canonical Name It is a record in the DNS database that indicates the true hostname of a computer associated with its aliases. It is essential when running multiple services from a single IP address.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol The SMTP protocol is used for sending e-mails over the Internet.

Tutorial: Configure a custom sending domain


Revision Date posted

Added tutorial video.
